タイトル サークル
: | 女侍01~プロローグ~ |
: | DAFantasy |
女侍01~プロローグ~ 作品紹介

「女侍 01 ~プロローグ~」では、革製の紅色の着物と銀色の甲冑を颯爽と身にまとい祖父から譲り受けた日本刀で武装した豊熟した太腿が魅力的な凛として美麗な女侍が街の治安を守るために鉄火場に颯爽と登場するシーンをイメージしています。
AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文)
She was born into a fallen samurai family, but her grandfather was once a hatamoto who was loyal to the shogun and worked to ensure the peace and security of the nation. However, due to a plot by his colleagues who were jealous of her grandfather, her grandfather fell into ruin. A female samurai, who grew up watching her grandfather, becomes a samurai after undergoing rigorous training among the children of a powerful samurai family and protects the peace and order of the city, in hopes of rebuilding her family. Wearing her armor, she defeated the villains who disrupted the city’s peace, earning her the fear of her enemies and the absolute trust of her allies.